Day 9️⃣

Feels good waking up without an alarm… Oh wait never mind, my body is already used to rising up at 6am. Well, your mind can rest not having to think of preparations for a workday. Knowing it would be a superior day with highs of 60 degrees and clear, this warranted being outside as much as possible. Didn’t want to drive far since nothing was planned ahead, I decided to hit the Saturday Market at the waterfront. After getting gas I made my way north. Being a familiar place, I wanted to surrounded myself with locals and those who are sociable. Can tell I wasn’t the only one enjoying the walk. Seeing smiles and waving to each other def united us closer. You get all sorts of different people here. From tourists to locals to cyclists to joggers. Gosh, I miss running up and down the bridges. I recently injured my knee and slowly recovering. Every now and then I get pain shooting down my shin. Other times on the sides. I'm scheduled for an MRI soon so we can know what we’re dealing with. But I’d like to get back into my running days. According to my iWatch, I did 9,800 steps and 4.3 Miles all within a little over an hour. Because I’m on a low-calorie diet, I was afraid of losing energy or fainting with only water and carrots in me. Luckily I push through without problems. Usually, I go to a nearby restaurant and sit outside on these climate days to recover, but was painful turning away thus denying this sweet treat.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment