Day 1️⃣0️⃣

Easter Sunday ✝️… Knowing churches across the nation are very busy, I contemplated the day before whether I should physically attend service. Seeing how normal services at Athey Creek are a struggle to arrive at the facility or leaving the grounds. Loads of traffic and parking lots backed up. Waking up today I decided to download the app on my AppleTV and watch it from the comfort of my bed with tea. This is my first time attending service remotely. After the service, I felt more empowered to follow Jesus. I’ve heard these sermons before, but pastor Brett did a great job breaking down how one can be saved. He spoke on the book of Romans.

Romans 10:9-10
Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

From this passage, the pastor highlights three parts that emphasized keywords to salvation-

  • confess with your mouth

    Not only are you stating these words, but voicing them out loud—He is the Messiah. That you’re boldly claiming Jesus is Lord to everyone without hesitation and all deep sincereness. We state a lot of things we are for and things we are against. The word confess can mean admitting, declaring or affirming. Pretty bold words. And that’s where Jesus listens to you. Words that come from within. With the mouth one confesses and is saved.

  • believe in your heart

    Believing in something with your heart is touching, moving and passionate. Jesus paved the way for us sinners to reach heaven by the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Being born new again due to the blood shed on the cross doesn’t entail doing works or trying to win a seat. But allowing that belief to lower any walls and have His way with you because Jesus is for you and me. For with the heart one believes and is justified

  • you will be saved

    Then you shall be saved. Because you’re declaring the truth about Jesus and believing it with all your heart. It changes a person to see more than we think. It breaks barriers within ourselves to trust in Jesus and when we do, He continues showing eternal rewards.

If you would like to listen to Easter Sunday’s service, you can stream it here: Athey Creek - March 31st 2024

Prayer-Jesus, thank You for making a way for us to have eternal life with You. Because of Your merci and grace, I never have to be separated from You. Because You rose from the dead, I can experience Your presence forever! Help me to celebrate this life-changing gift not just on Easter Sunday—but every day. You are risen! Amen.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment