Day 7️⃣

Always curious how the body adapts to changes based on our food consumption. Used to think when I had a pizza the night before, I’d see an immediate belly the next day. This was how I rationalized it when I was a kid. As mentioned in my previous post, I went all out eating everything and anything my appetite craved. My stomach didn’t grow as anticipated. Took some time. Not exercising and lounging around on the couch binge-watching shows attributed to my weight gain. If I were to balance it out with healthier meals in between, and maybe a few outside walks, I’d slow the process. Now with almost a week in, my body is starting to show some results. Told myself the first week was only the start to putting a barrier on the weight increase. Though the beginning stage was effective on the physical transformations, weeks 2-3 you’ll see even more drastic changes. As if a new skin is taking over. The best analogy I can come up with would be that of a ship’s propeller in water. When on course, it will remain within that linear route (healthy/unhealthy) until it is rotated towards a different direction or decides to come to a standstill. The ship cannot alter its passage suddenly. The propeller must work against the current waters, thus making a gradual conversion. The ship can’t make stops quickly like a vehicle. It has to form its way based on the propeller’s driving force. Going in a direction, and then choosing a reverse course takes time, it must come to a stop and begin sailing backward. I feel weight gain or loss is a bit similar. An athlete decides to eat a whole pizza, he will not gain 5lbs overnight. But if he continues eating processed meals without any activities, it will eventually show. Making drastic changes one day, the body is aware and prepares to adapt to new surroundings. Continue eating healthy whilst exercising, you’ll head in the direction you intend to go. Soon your body gets leaner, clothes fit better and obtain higher levels of energy. Its a process.

I’d like to say my ship is currently in a standstill position coasting in the waters. My propellers are now working in reverse heading towards the path it should be. Where my body knows unhealthy meals no more. Starting tomorrow my ship will begin to head back to a healthy steady course.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment