Day 5️⃣

By now I feel confident about my new eating schedule. Stomach has shrunken. I start to fill up at smaller portion sizes which puts a smile on my face. Stomach growls from time to time. Nothing a few carrots with broccoli and water could’t satisfy. Aside from the food, I realize I’m less needy. Less stressed when sitting in traffic. Allowing more room for patience to settle in. Looking at the mirror, my face reveals a lively expression. Still hungry yes, but urges lessen.

Day 5 (day 2 at the office), I’m hanging in there. Still have a mountain to climb. Heading towards the end of my first week, I’m contemplating adjusting my meals less. Instead of having 3-4 services of fruit, I’ll go gown to 2. Stop eating veggies by 6pm daily and only consuming water. Well, lets get through this week first Jorge and then we can cross that bridge when get there.

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