Day 4️⃣

Getting past the first weekend wasn’t easy. Typically, after a long week at work, I’d come home to unwind. Open a bottle of wine and cook while listening to music. Get into the zone without disruptions. Phone is silent, airpods are in and allow the melody to take its way with me. I’m not much of a cook, however I will try different ingredients to see what I’d come up with. This past weekend was nothing like that. Nope, I ended up cooking for a menu that had 2-3 items to select from. Still I knew big changes were headed in my direction.

Currently work in a cubicle world. Not much activity. Good thing we have standing desks to stretch the back. The first three quarters of the day wasn’t too bad. Stayed focus, memory was intact and energy was sufficient. Did notice I was more talkative ­ to my colleagues. Many of them could tell the difference. Really did like the change in me. A few long phone calls did test my patience. Water and raw veggies didn’t do it, but managed to take walks in between. The frustration levels did deplete more each day. Another struggle in the workplace, was the food offerings from the colleagues. Given they’re mostly from my heritage background, they always have authentic meals willing to share across everyone. There’s a small group of friends at work who know about the fasting, yet those that don’t, were polite to hand me a plate. Not wanting to throw it down the trash, I packed it up, took it with me and drove home hoping to find someone to give it to. No excuses for tossing wonderful food away.

Making it home from work, I did laundry, grilled more veggies, showered and continued to binge watch some shows. Day was good. I’m slowly adjusting to my new world. I say give it one full week before you are ready for change. Only then will you start noticing physical changes as well.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment