Day 1️⃣7️⃣

A low-key day for me. Waking up knowing I have a few items to address, I figured attending Sunday service from my TV would be the best option. The message was about ‘The Must of the Sinner’—

  • The must be born again: We were born in sin. We need to be rebirthed from above. One can read the bible until our faces turn blue. Or attend service without a missing day. Perhaps you tithe a substantial amount every month. These works will not grant you a rebirth into salvation. Being born again consists of those who are in Christ, considered a new creature. Old things have passed away and all things are to become new.

  • The must of the savior: He who is God, made him sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Without our God, who sacrifices his son so that we have the opportunity to be set right, would all be doomed.

  • The must of the servant: Lesson here is humility. Willingness to point people to Jesus and also move out of the way to allow Jesus to be exalted (not man). For it is not us who takes credit, but credit is done by our savior. If we shine like a light for others to see, the second we lose the main purpose—aiming at Jesus, we build pride thus making it about us instead. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples.

This weekend has been an eye-opener a bit. Sometimes what we know or obtain great experience in, we deem as having significant wisdom. An ‘I know what's best cause I’ve been doing this most of my life’ attitude. I’ve had similar scenarios where I knew how to do my duties (10+ years of experience), however, there’s always something catching you off guard. Perhaps something you didn’t think of before. Or a different scenario that could either hinder your performance or be a blessing in disguise. Watching a few competition shows, one of the contestants was sure to pass the challenge with flying colors because of the experience. Being familiar with and having done this from youth, he had it in the bag. Long story short, it turns out the opponent, one who didn’t have the same experience, ended up beating the prideful person. How was this possible? Well, several things went wrong in the process for the guy and ended up having to rush and get things in order at the last minute. Things can take a quick turn in seconds, thus having to pivot and make ends meet. When I get those a-ha moments, I tend to record those in my head. This allows me to stop having tunnel vision on self… That I’m not Mr. know it all. That there’s opportunity for growth and adaptation. I’m getting better at it. But my younger days… oh boy!

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment