Day 1️⃣2️⃣

4ish days into the 2nd week. In the beginning, I’ve mentioned that if my goal was to solely lose weight, then my mission would be catastrophic. After the first week, I was inclined to examine my physique in the mirror. Before the start date, I reiterated to myself not to feed into the vanity of appearances. This will separate you from the main project. You begin to like what you see. There’s improvement. You’re filled with gratitude for how much it’s changing you. Towards the 2nd-3rd day after week 1, you compare the shape of your stomach and think, how can I speed up the process? That’s when I knew the battle has started internally with self because it wanted me to keep going back to the physical look. Don’t get me wrong, losing weight and getting a leaner look, def gives you confidence. But let’s balance it out as well and see what other areas have change. One is the thought process. Because they’re internal and can’t physically tell a difference from the exterior, the mind becomes less filled with toxins-untainted. You begin thinking less about your needs. Carry less weight on your shoulders from the overwhelming daily tasks. I’ve become more objective than subjective. Temptations are nowhere to be found, etc. Crazy how the mind works when removing provisions from your everyday consumption before a Fast.

I started going for walks. These recent days have been perfect. Clear sky, cool breeze and temperature of 60 degrees. I did have a few moments where I felt I was going to go through a vertigo episode. My head was spinning a bit more than usual and because my sugar level is low, thought I wasn’t going to make it. Luckily I slowed my pace and gradually felt better. I’ll make sure to down a whole bunch of carrots and broccoli right before an activity. I should really start writing my calorie intake, daily activities and compare notes. Food for thought-HA!

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