Me, Myself and You

More time spent in this world, the more I get molded and manufactured into someone that simply never is... How can we simply be or label ourselves with a formality that depicts one overall stature? Others are not on the same wavelength as you, but aren’t those different entities, the teaching of who we are becoming? Don’t they paint the deeper journey to the roads we walk on?

I’m not against the acceptance of who someone is. The public has certain walks, particular talents, gifted with certain strengths, but summarizing it all into a portrait of self, can be stagnant. I mean how can we?—that’s like trying to stop time. We are part of time, which is neither here nor there. It’s constantly evolving. One of the questions my roommate asked me, was ‘what makes you—YOU?...To be honest, I couldn’t think of anything. Yes, it’s a broad question, yet how can I describe what makes me in a few words? If I were to give an account, it would have to be an accumulation of experiences that lead me to this date. In addition, I will include that this is never fixed, it’s more of a dynamic. More than likely my roommate will see that dynamic over time. So that question in a sense is always in motion.

Let’s take Love as an example. We’re always moved by it, love teaches us how to be less of self, more considerate, it teaches on an underground plane that doesn’t require words nor instructions. Our affection in high school days is just a point in time where we did our best at that given time. Looking back at those years, we may have been ridiculous in our decisions, but years ago we knew exactly what we were doing. We do not love the same as we used to years ago or minutes ago. Reading one of my favorite authors, he made a valid point in trying to fix love (painful process). Love has to be in motion. A couple married for 20 years doesn’t love the exact same way when they first started dating. Their love has changed, evolved into one another, thus growing strong in relationship. I would argue that being still and in love would be contradicting.

We’re a mirror of people. People and circumstances mold us into the discovery within. Don’t think there’s been a day where I revealed one attitude all day long. Sure there’s bad days, but you have to be very mechanical if you can be the same way to everyone & everything. Someone dislikes you for which ever reason, friction or debates between both parties will be stipulated. But in that process of assessing each others feedback, we bring accumulation of—personality, character, psyche, energy, attitude, etc to the surface. Where do these come from? Does it stem from our upbringing? We’re all unique and have traits God instilled in us. But how we use these depend on our social interactions in the world. Thankfully there’s a guide, a guide that never lacks wisdom—THE WORD.

Jorge Perez Jr.1 Comment