The Shadow

One day it hit me… As I’m jogging down Santa Teresa ave near my former residency, my smile was irrevocable due to bright skies, green trees and temperature above warm climate. Felt a lens had been mounted over my pupils noticing every color possible to my left and right. With this in mind, I couldn’t focus on the speed nor the distance covered from my place, but distracted by the beauty of San Jose that afternoon. Running towards neighborhoods and ally’s called for different surroundings that when under a shadow, lowers the temperature of the body.

My body’s temperature began to rise again with heavy panting at three quarters of my completed route. Coming around a turn from a main intersection, it was a clear passage without a hint of possible shadows. Foreseeing the heat, I continued normal speeds leaving the only remaining one—mine. Watching the motion of my shoulders and arms brought me back 10 years ago when I initially began my exercising. This also allured me on a different avenue thus realizing how much time had elapsed without giving up the hobby. Then Deuteronomy 31:8 came to me: ‘He will never leave you nor forsake you’. Having been a jogger for a long time, there’s moments when running at night, under heavy fog, rain or a dome was the only alternative to maintain rhythm. Now, these atmospheres don’t really birth a shadow and for me, seeing my proper outlined body gives perspective in my life’s progress. Like with seasons of difficulties and storms, you sense God is there yet at a much greater distance making it complex to shift your feet back on track. So, as I reflect to the days of constant secrecy with my shadow, my journey’s progress also hid which caused my running to go in vain.

Having my shadow with me for a good period under the heat that day without disappearing was overwhelming. Just as I suspected He is far from earshot range, I know it wasn’t the case. Internally He said: ‘No Jorge, I am here and will not forsake you’. Over the years, seeing the changes to my body from those shadows, also reflected my spiritual growth. We always want to be in the ‘know’ of our overall progress and seek answers; however, the answers are not always going to come at your timing. Because I’ve come across a bag full of difficulties/distractions, I compared this to my hidden shadow—no security/reassurance. But He is sovereign and perfect in His timing. The best part is that my shadow is always there and He will illuminate Himself at the right times letting me know in hardships or blissful seasons that He will carry us through anything.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment