A Place That Never Settles

As I sit here at the local coffee house listening to Mat Kearney adapting to the lyrics of ‘City of Black & White’, I can’t express enough the profound movement within as I type away on the keypad. Perhaps it is the atmosphere at 9pm on a Friday night or simply because people have demonstrated their uttermost enthusiasm the weekend is finally here. Even the people over the counter replenishing pastries and water bottles throw spontaneous smiles at one another hesitation free. Think I'm more moved by the chorus from the talented artist as his voice resonates through my ear pods. Many of you know my next steps regarding my relocation; however, I did want to reach out to those who haven’t had the privilege just yet—so bear with me if this is repetitious. Before diving into the details, I want to extend my fullest regards and sympathy to you directly. We may have spent time together or on a constant basis in person, written letters or virtual world. I'm very grateful knowing you. Some have their different views on this, but I do believe we encounter people for specific reasons. We may miss opportunities at times, others we hold the experience as clear as yesterday's events... I guess my point is the revelation it brings to the soul. Not by what we missed out, but our initial perceptions towards the entities and scenarios that proved incorrect to begin with. In the words of Mat Kearney: ‘don't want to wait until tomorrow to tell you how I'll feel’, allow me to now expose one of those entities that has pinpointed me toward my transition up north.

Been recently called to move to Oregon and start living on my own out there. It’s crazy and refreshing how it happened, but I'll try to give you the trailer version. Oregon has been instilled in my heart for some time now, but lukewarm in building an actual life there. Until these last few months, subtle hints and signs have not been infrequent—license plates outside of CA, U of O sweatshirts in public, banners, tree decals, etc. They were attention grabbers, however convincing me had yet to be manifested. I prayed over this and pleaded with Him—“I see em Father, but seems a bit like a coincidence no??? Need something real here... something that will stir me internally in order to pack my crap up and put CA in my rearview mirror”. Well the following day, I was on the porch enjoying the weather with my niece when my peripheral catches this fella approaching the house. Within talking distance, he looks directly at me and breaks a cordial smile. Because of the 90 degree outside and having to navigate his way through the neighborhood on crutches, I can see why he was panting heavily. Before breaking the silence, he pulls out his handkerchief to wipe his forehead and the back of his neck making sure he was in a presentable state—as if getting ready to audition for a role. He introduces himself—Mark, that is followed by another humble smile and a stretched arm that gives off a sincere spirit. The rather large man expresses his whereabouts (homeless shelter) and asked for any donations. I was quick to squeeze the pockets of my Levis; however, all I could pull was a fair amount of lint that was quickly filched by the wind. Telling Mark to hang tight, I managed to get a few bills from the inside of my home. Handing over the money and exchanging a few words, sympathy came over me for this individual that I inquired deeper into his circumstances (don’t usually do this). After a few Q&A's, I handed him a book I did a study with my previous bible group—seemed like the reading type if you ask me. He thanked me and shook my hand, yet before the conversation parted, I asked a final question: “where are you originally from?” And with a grin, he replied: Portland, Oregon. I couldn’t believe what I just heard, so I asked him to repeat it... The words couldn’t have been any clearer... it was that exact town where my skepticism went a day before. My eyes widen and then leaned in closer to say “you’ve got to be joking, are you serious?” A quick “Yup” followed by another smile was returned. We discussed a little about the town, however time was limited since he had to complete his rounds. He rotated around with the help of his crutches and began walking into the daylight with a pace of a crawling baby. Returning to my room, sitting on the edge of my bed, tears started to overflow as I was trying to understand what just happened. I had no words to gather, but just taken aback.

When Mark approached me, he was on crutches and a brace on the left knee. The distance between his residency and my house blew my mind. How can this man with multiple disabilities (bad kidneys, lack of cartilage and daily doses of pill intake) be able to perform his duties all with a smile and humble spirit? Yet I’m over here complaining about a stupid drive to the local store due to the heat. Now, time lapsed into a few weeks, Mark was still in my heart and very much wanted to help him with his circumstances. I ended up writing a letter and a personal check to assist with any financial needs. The funds raised were an accumulation of my personal memorabilia. These items were assets collected over the years growing up (prize and possessions) I treasured very much. Selfishness was the best characteristic I came up with after remembering Mark's journey to my place given his current state. So, I ended up enlisting them online and the amount received went straight to that check. Couldn’t tell you how much humility was filled inside as the Holy Spirit drove my fingers on that keyboard publishing the items online. We try to meet every Saturday and catch up with just about anything and all life experiences past & present. Since he has no current family nearby, I introduced mine. What also came with that, was the invitation to our Christmas Eve gatherings going forward. To keep things in respect for Mark, I will disclose that he has an amazing story about his coming to Christ experience and hope he shares it with many people. Mark and I refer to each other as brothers. I’m still in shock how this came to be, but God is sovereign and works in numerous ways. Some of which is difficult to understand—yet we are called to trust in Him. Must admit, I’m a little fearful of what is expected in a place that will feel very foreign and somewhat alienated, thus trusting He will provide the right people in my path (Matthew 18:20). I would like to call it bravery, but let’s hold off on that for now until He confirms this. Anxiety and excitement also run across my veins yet I’m leaning more towards the latter lol. God is amazing and His grace showers me daily. He offers His protection (Psalm 32:7, Psalm 91:14) wherever we are and is never late. We should not dwell in fear of this world, but in Him, for the fearing of our Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Everything occurred the day after I pleaded our Savior.

Want to thank all the community who’ve supported me behind everything and those who I had the privilege to get acquainted with (again He provides people in our lives for a reason). Family, friends, and close ones have been a true inspiration in my life and will carry you everywhere—“love you all from the bottom of my heart”. I hope visiting me sometime in the future will be instilled in your hearts as I’m sure He did not send me out to be permanently exiled from you, but to check on your brother in Christ and make certain I don’t go astray. And likewise, I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my return visits to the place I was raised. My departure is set mid-April (pray for healthy transition and driving commute). Well, my passion ice tea is about watered down and my face is starting to look as though I swallowed limes due to all the staring at my monitor 😉.