DAY 1️⃣

Took me several attempts as I easily gave into my vices. Only wanted a few of my favorite meals to make it through the day. So, I ended up pushing the start date back for another week. Say to self, this week didn’t pan out as I wanted, brush it off and get back into it next time.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
DAY 2️⃣

Those who know me, I sleep hard and easily breeze through alarms. I’m one not to be bothered during my rest. Night owl is part of my DNA. Seems things get done during the nocturnal hours.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
DAY 3️⃣

One thing I made sure not to do… was look at myself in the mirror trying to compare the belly from what it was in the beginning. This would diminish the main reasons behind doing this in the first place.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 4️⃣

Currently work in a cubicle world. Not much activity. Good thing we have standing desks to stretch the back. The first three quarters of the day wasn’t too bad. Stayed focus, memory was intact and energy was sufficient.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 5️⃣

Day 5 (dia 2 in the work place), I’m hanging in there. Still have a mountain to climb. Heading towards the end of my first week, I’m contemplating adjusting my meals less. Instead of having 3-4 services of fruit, I’ll go gown to 2.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 6️⃣

Keep in mind, I’m not doing any activities while on this fast. No gym, no jogging, no walks etc. Plus my knee has been acting up. A few months back I may have messed up my meniscus during a soccer match. Need to get an MRI to see what I did exactly.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 7️⃣

Though the beginning stage was effective on the physical transformations, weeks 2-3 you’ll see even more drastic changes. As if a new skin is taking over. The best analogy I can come up with would be that of a ship’s propeller in water.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 8️⃣

Aside from food, some mental aspects are surfacing that put me on an anxiety level. Maybe at this stage of the detox, certain areas that were dug deep inside are beginning to rise.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 9️⃣

According to my iWatch, I did 9,800 steps, 4.3 Miles all within a little over an hour. Because I’m on a low-calorie diet, I was afraid of losing energy or fainting with only water and carrots in me. Luckily I push through without any problems.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment
Day 1️⃣0️⃣

Waking up today I decided to download the app on my AppleTV and watched it from the comfort of my bed with tea. This is my first time attending service remotely. After the service, I felt more empowered to follow Jesus.

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Jorge Perez Jr.Comment