Day 2️⃣6️⃣

About three more days to go. Loads have been stirring in my mind as I’m nearing the end of my fast. Honestly, I’m not sure how I’ll adjust back to the normal ways. Or if I should. Will I easily go back to old habits? I guess I’m expecting something big to where I’d have all my issues or problems resolved. Don’t get me wrong, I have changed a lot. My mind is clearer, my desires of the flesh have gone out the window. I’m less anxious, able to make decisions and stick with the outcomes. Less fearful of the things I used to be a month ago. A big terror would be doing this for the wrong reasons and then find out over time. I’m lucky to be able to go through with this. Not easy but glad my body didn’t get a bad reaction and the mind was capable to withstand the urges. If I’m not at the place where I thought I’d be in the beginning, at least I can look back and say-at least it’s a starting point. And who knows… I may try this fast one week out of every month. Do believe there’s more mental muscle to exercise than the physical side.

Today I had my yearly eye exam and things look pretty normal without having changes to my prescription. I was concerned for my right eye that I injured a few years back. Was hit with the soccer ball straight in my socket. I wasn’t knocked out, but after the impact, my vision was half normal, half with a bright glare (like staring at the sun). It was strange. Went to my optometrist to see what happened. After she examined my right eye, she referred me to a specialist cause Dr. Phillips wasn’t certain. Having to see another doctor, he referred me to an even better retina/cornea specialist. Thought this was no good after having to see three different professionals. In the end everything looked fine, and it came out to bruising. And like a bruise, it will take time to heal. Want to say I was fully back in like 6 weeks. Found these nice pair of frames that I may get. Not cheap, not too expensive.

Prayer-God, even when I am facing so many troubles, You are faithful. When I am tired, overwhelmed, burnt out, grieving Your love still covers me. Thank You for showing me kindness and mercy every day. Your mercies never cease. Your steadfast love endures forever. Great is Your faithfulness! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment