Day 2️⃣2️⃣

Final week has started. My intake will now consist of only veggies & water. No fruit, no snacks, no acceptations. Seeing how this will be my final week, I’ve come far. Lots been happening and feel like a new person. Looking back, I was in a very different stage, both mentally and physically. I didn’t get to weigh myself, but I’d like to say I’ve lost about 15lbs. Hope to increase that number by next Friday. What will I do when I finish? Not sure. I kinda like my lite meals and know it is good for my health. Perhaps continue, however with more flavors and protein. I say this cause I’m still trying to get my knee fixed. I’ll have my MRI next week, but until then, only walks and cycling are my activities.

I made an appointment to get blood work done today. Seeing I’m three weeks into this fast, I wanted to get my levels measured. I inform the nurse about the plan I was on and congratulated me for it. I did like when he asked the reasons behind it and what I expect to get out of it. The best answer would be to recalibrate myself, take a step back and realize the hole I was in. That I felt stagnant. Not saying I have a clear vision of what is ahead, but at least knowing where I don’t want to be. There’s def discipline involved. I’d say it’s more psychological than physical when it comes to changes and keeping a steady course. One of the important things I keep telling myself, is to keep a healthy balance. You will be hit in life with great things, or other aspects from this world that will pull you in unknown directions. Could be scary, could be difficult, could be magical. Remembering to know who you are deep down in the core and having that stability will empower you to take heed one item at a time. We may seek guidance from others. At times you will need to turn away from things that are corrupt. A balance allows you to fall or be lifted high whilst having one foot on your core and the other taking steps towards your life journey. I heard a great line from another podcast: When your being social and getting out there in the world, remember to have a relationship with yourself. Don’t forget the value and worth we have inside of us. We can easily lose this.


Prayer-God, whatever I do, please help me to do it for Your glory. When I’m talking to other people—let it be for Your glory. When I’m working—let it be for Your glory. When I’m spending time with family and friends—let it be Your glory. In all that I say and do, let me do it for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment