Unfamiliar, But Not Too Foreign

We def gain wisdom and encouragement from others, and as we move towards the upcoming decade, I feel there’s another level of authenticity to be grasped. Todays sermon from the pastor not only delivered a deep message, but penetrated an emotional layer which is challenging to do. He locked-in on his congregation family and witnessed the importance of each individuals worth. It didn't matter if you were a deacon or a custodian... The pastors humility was evident by the tears of admiration in front of the podium. It was these words that he emphasized on: 'YOU ARE LOVED'. I can't recall feeling that same type of piercing before, but the silence of the audience allowed the connection to sustain.

Confidence and self determined can be seen as a virtuous quality. People praise this from others. But what type of determination are we possessing these days? We may value ourselves substantially and the weight behind that could stem from our day-to-day activities. Be it that you're a lawyer, doctor, teacher, student, waiter, etc. we tend to resort ourselves based on status, prestige, friendships, social media, environments. These outlets are an awareness for sure, but can unconsciously transition into a conceit ailment that feeds into a costly impression. I would put it this way... each of us are unique and have our own paths to walk on this earth. Having both feet humbly grounded would entail being confident in who we are as Christ made us in His image. From time to time, our feet could detach slightly from the ground and find ourselves walking on what we call a prideful cloud. That cloud can increase in size or fluctuate between days as they go by. Nevertheless we feel conscious because we control where we walk; however lets not forget the Lord determines our steps. I'm an Adidas fan by far and futbol has been a my passion. But I always told myself I wouldn't wear a customizable jerseys because I'd want to spill my own blood on the pitch. I may walk into the pitch representing an iconic number/surname on the back of my jersey of high ranking… Sure, it brings satisfaction and respect from others, but truth be told I’d be lying if I didn’t feel a bit like walking on a red carpet. Because I wear that representation, am I going to be looked as someone that I hold up as a God? I sure hope not. People could think of me as a Jesus follower or Jesus freak, but everyone is going to process it differently with a uniques lens. I must go back and ask the question: what’s the purpose or goal? Is it recognition? How I want to be known by? a particular outfit? what I drive? a tattoo? or logo on my jersey??? I’m not against role models or idles that we hope to gain from… There’s a healthy strength behind this. But we’re up against a world where we must tread lightly. Instead it will be with my actions and where my heart is rooted in that context. Even as I write this blog, em I trying to attract attention? or speak from the inside without any expectations? We need to unpack what is currently dwelling within (see if there's a cloud underneath our feet). It can be passion, confidence, envy, frustration, etc., but despite what it is, we can confidently share it with God and meet Him anywhere. I don't think God is interested in the business of pity or self doubt, but in the worth from every individual regardless where they come from or allotted reputation. No matter how airborne you are from the ground, you are never too elevated for God's reach. Oswald Chambers puts it best in one of his devotions from February-‘Is Your Ability To See Blinded?

Love is not something we must work towards, but a discovery that's dwelled inside that must take root. Love is action, not only a feeling. It takes time to reveal what is inside of us, especially with all the noise and distractions of today. But we are the expertise of our role on this earth. Let it be guided by love and utilize our talents to bring unity instead of isolation. Bring compassion instead of hostility. Bring encouragement instead of hinderance.