
Guest speaker-Bob Goff comes up on stage and halfway through the event, he challenge’s the congregation to eliminate a thing (anything) from our daily routine or lifestyle. Could be as small as giving up your parking spot at work; or remove a Netflix show; perhaps forgoing coffee… whatever it may be, he recommends one thing each week going forward.

Found it inspiring to be honest. Almost Like killing a stagnant bacteria absorbed from the noisy world. I Strongly felt motionless in life. It may sounds easier said than done, but I thought why not… lets give it a go and see if things stir. Decided to start where my time was being used the most-on my darn phone. Now, I didn’t throw it out the window, but went with something bit more simple… try this and see how long you last before anxiety kicks in. Grab your smartphone and let’s re-arrange some apps in a different order or position. If you only have about 2-4 apps (aside from your default) you prob don’t qualify for this round so we’ll have to ponder something else for you. But for those who undoubtedly live, breathe and bleed apps, When we unlock our phones, we immediately know where our favorite apps are. The goal was to move them around so as to disorientate your unconscious social media high. Helps to not slip into this fast train of swiping/button-pushing mode at 1000MPH. In the end i purged unwanted apps, made breathing space and had more time to be a part of this planet. Helped me get back into reading, take walks, meet with friends and smile more (this one is the best)... if you feel you’re slipping away, biting your Fingernails, anxiety kicking in, forgetting to eat (or shower later in the day), feeding into the joys of unlocking the smartphone to check status/updates… just means it is time to move some apps around. If this is unpleasant-GOOD!!!

Full disclosure… if you feel the need to attempt the above and end up slamming/throwing your phone as a result… I’m not responsible for any actions. 😉

Jorge Perez Jr.Comment