Signature Steps

Ever listened to your steps as you walk/run along the isles of this world? If you think about it, it can determine a lot about our character, emotional and physical state from what the day brings. 

Everyone heads towards a direction. Some go faster, others need a bit of help, a few barely touch the ground and others can hardly give their legs a break. Many have wounded feet, others none whatsoever. We each have a unique way of getting to our destination, which can never be replicated. A step is a movement forward no matter how you look at it. Though it may seem redundant, no path is traced exactly the same. If you're anything like me (headphones in), I’d be lying if I said what I listened to had little to no impact on my journey. The music aspect is a huge part of my life (as everyone else in this world), but rarely did I stop and listen to the sound of my feet touching the soils.

Your steps symbolize more than getting you from place to place.  They are written words across pages you engrave. It’s easy to take this for granted, however you write each day towards a story. My prayer for you to never run out of ink beneath our feet and aspire to share your journey with others as much as possible. Only then do we illuminate the path beneath us to serve as a guide where we should take our next steps.

Jorge Perez Jr.